Friday, March 19, 2010

Why I Decide to Blog about My Life...and Other Random Craps

Apart from the fact that it does get pretty lonely sometimes being closeted and living in a country where being gay means getting ostracised, and that I feel blogging would be a great way for me to express myself (even if noone reads it), I was also inspired by a few bloggers from who, like me, are also closeted and are pretty much much going trough the things that I am. So I thought, hey, why not try this, it could be like therapy you know, just venting out and blogging about the most mundane stuffs. If anybody reads this and get inspired like I did, or even made them feel better knowing that there's someone going through the exact same thing they are, well thats just an extra bonus :-).

So I should be finishing up my papers right now, but being in the final semester and all, I have pretty much lost all motivation to do anything uni related. I have shit tonnes of work to do but I just keep finding reasons to procrastinate. Then again, I ALWAYS find reasons to procrastinate. Oh well.

The weather is killing me. It must be at least 40 degrees out there. I've lived in this country all my life, but I could never get used to the weather. So now I'm stuck in my room. At least I have my laptop to keep me company, and it gives me some time to write a bit. Gosh, won't it rain already.

Well thats about it, again. I think I'm gonna spend another or so changing the layout of the blog and adding some other features. Anything to avoid doing real work lol.


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